
Established in 2020, Father Christ Ministries Trust, a 508(c)(1)(A) organization, is founded upon securing and defending the legal and financial expression of Christian principles utilizing the foundational values expressed in the U.S. Constitution and The Common Law. Our mission is passionately dedicated to education, placing substantial emphasis on delivering comprehensive legal and financial instruction that is infused with the teachings and profound wisdom derived from the life of Christ.

The Founding Fathers of the United States were deeply influenced by a confluence of Christian principles and the Enlightenment's ideals of liberty and justice. These influences were not mutually exclusive but rather interwoven into the fabric of their philosophical, moral, and ethical worldviews. The religious convictions held by many of the Founders undeniably informed their perspectives on governance, imbuing their approach to the creation of the nation's foundational documents with a sense of moral purpose and an appreciation for the intrinsic rights of human beings. This melding of religious faith and Enlightenment rationalism contributed to a unique vision of governance that sought to balance individual freedoms with the collective good.

Central to the Constitution is the unwavering commitment to the protection of individual freedoms, a cornerstone that is inherently compatible with Christian teachings on the sanctity of conscience and the individual's direct relationship with the Divine. The Framers ensured that religious freedom was enshrined in the First Amendment, reflecting a profound respect for the individual's freedom of conscience and the right to practice one's faith without governmental interference. This emphasis on religious liberty aligns closely with Christian values that champion the autonomy of the individual in spiritual matters and underscore the importance of a personal, uncoerced relationship with God.

At the heart of our mission lies the conviction that understanding the spiritual reality of our relationship to property is a cornerstone of faithful stewardship. This understanding is guided by scriptural wisdom, such as found in Psalms 24:1, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." This verse encapsulates our belief in the divine ownership of all creation and underscores our role as stewards, not mere proprietors, of earthly possessions.

Our organization is predicated on the belief that each individual deserves an enriched foundation of education concerning constitutional and common law rights, areas frequently marginalized in conventional academia. Through our specialized services and programs, we aim to empower community members with both the knowledge and spiritual insight necessary to navigate the intricacies of legal and property rights, cultivating a populace that is both well-informed and spiritually mindful of their stewardship roles as envisioned in our biblical teachings.

Matthew 6:19-21 teaches us, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, . . . But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." This passage further illuminates our guiding principle: that our relationship with property and wealth should transcend temporal concerns, focusing instead on the eternal impact of our stewardship.

By weaving ancient and timeless wisdom into the modern fabric of our educational initiatives, Father Christ Ministries aspires to reveal the profound spiritual dimensions underpinning our legal systems. We are committed to ensuring that our community not only possesses legal knowledge but also embraces the spiritual stewardship entrusted to us by God, fostering a holistic understanding of our roles in society and creation.

For more information as to how to get involved please email us at contact@fatherchristministriestrust.org.